Thursday, June 17, 2010


Something is wrong with me. I dont sleep at nights. I don't know what my deal is, but it's driving me nuts!! They past few nights I have not really slept. It takes me forever to fall asleep, and once I do I wake up and can not go back to bed. I am so tired everyday and can't wait to get home to go to sleep. I have even been trying to go to bed early. It doesn't work. I just lay there and toss and turn. Poor Greg. I must drive him nuts at night. I am adjusting every two minutes to a new position trying to find a way to fall asleep. I think its time that I move to the couch if I still cant fall asleep. I think I might have insomnia..and I know I sound crazy. Greg thinks I should start taking sleeping pills. I just don't want to. I hate taking pills and am always so nervous that I won't be able to get off them. But if I dont get a good nights rest soon I think I will have to.

I have always had this problem. There will be a week were I don't sleep. But then the next week I will be just fine and have no problem. This week is one of those sleepless weeks. Im really hoping that tonight will be different and I will sleep the whole night through. I sound like an infant baby who's mom is just hoping they will sleep that night. I'm crossing my fingers and will hope the sheep I count will put me to sleep. Wish me luck!


  1. Try Melatonin! It's in the vitamin/supplement aisle at the grocery store. Danny has to take it when he's coming off of working graveyard shift. I have a ton of friends that use it too! Email me if you have more questions but it's worth a try. It's not addictive and you don't feel groggy in the morning like you would with other sleep medicines.

  2. how funny. I go through this same thing too. ha ha. Try exercising or something active at night so your exhausted and ready for bed. That helps me sometimes
