Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Seven of Thirty

Something you're looking forward to.

Wow there is a ton I am looking forward to.  Summer, my canvas pictures to arrive, the weekend, dinner tonight (I hope it's good), finish decorating my house, Greg getting a job, the hair show, Greg getting into graduate school and for work to be over. But the biggest thing I am looking forward to is me finishing school. I just can't wait!!

I want to be done and working in a salon so bad! I'm only in my second semester and I'm already ready to be done. And it doesn't help that I spend most days looking at salon sites and girls my age hair blogs. So many girls my age have been doing hair for like 3 years and I am so jealous. It makes me so depressed seeing where I could be if I would have started earlier. Oh well at least I'm doing it now.

But I seriously need to stop looking at them. I look at ones that I would love to work at and see how much they charge for things. Then I start thinking if I could do booth rent, and if I could actually get a clientel. It is just not good for me to do this haha.

I just need to enjoy school while I am there, and I do. I love school and have so much fun there. I love doing hair and learning new things all the time. I need to just embrace it and stop thinking of "what if's". But seriously,



  1. I feel ya! Just be glad you started at SLCC and not the Tech center..blah! Are you out on the floor yet? How is that goin? What is your favorite thing to do? My least favore:PERMS. UGH.

  2. First: I'm glad you posted this on FB so I could find it. I had totally lost your blog address!
    Second: I didn't even know you were going to school to do hair. Awesome.
    Third: I just got caught up on all your past posts and LOVE them! Can't wait to see what 8 of thirty will bring!
